Swimming instructor
Anouk has years of experience as a swimming instructor and teaches in a friensdly and possitive way.
Substitute teacher
Anouk has years of experience as a swimming instructor and teaches in a friensdly and possitive way.
Substitute teacher
Sjoerd is a friendly and enthusiastic instructor and has a lot of fun in his work, which also radiates on the children.
Substitute teacher
Robert is a friendly and super sporty instructor who plays hockey at a high level and can swim well. Substitute teacher
Robert, Justus, Julius, Niek, Tiddo, Michael en Floris are doing a great job assisting the instructors!
Friday in de Blinkerd
Liza has recently started working with us and teaches in a cheerful and pedagogical way.
Wednesday in de Blinkerd
Riva is very sweet and pedagogical.
Wednesday in de Blinkerd
Very experienced en professional.
Friday in de Blinkerd
Experienced and spontaneous, teaches in an enthusiastic and cheerful way.
Wednesday in de Blinkerd
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